Swing into Spring

Apr 22, 2021 | Wellness

Take Advantage of Spring weather and fresh recipes while you Move More this month!

Spring has officially sprung!  From late March to late June, nature is blooming before entering the long days of Summer.  Why not take advantage of the change in temperature and scenery to motivate you to move more?

Healthy Tips for Spring:

Breath of Fresh Air: Take advantage of the temps warming up and get outside and walk around the block during your lunch break, do some yardwork/gardening or go on a bike ride.

-Plan a Weekend trip to the Farmers Market:  Why not support your local community and eat seasonal fruits and veggies at the same time?  Farmers Markets are a great way to find seasonal items and they typically cost less when they are in season.

Spring Cleaning: Who said cleaning can’t be fun?  Sweep the floors, dust the furniture and eliminate clutter, all while moving around your home.   

Eat more colorful Spring foods:  Lighten up your Spring Menu and add some activity in the kitchen while trying new recipes.  Remember: you can cook and experiment with new seasonal vegetables without sacrificing flavor!

Seasonal Produce: Spring

Source: https://snaped.fns.usda.gov/seasonal-produce-guide